Send us your stuff!

We’re looking for book-length works of fiction or creative nonfiction, either translated into English or originally written in English. We’re happy to hear directly from translators and writers as well as agents. We want to see work from everywhere.

Please send submissions and related questions to

For translators 

Please send a translation sample (you can decide the length, but ten pages should be enough if you’re doing it on spec) along with a pdf of the full book in the original language, if available. We’d also love to see a synopsis, your thoughts about the book and its prospects in English, and a note about the rights situation. For some resources on pitching translations, see this list prepared by the American Literary Translators Association.

For writers

In addition to a query letter, please send us the first 50 pages, or thereabouts, of your completed manuscript. We’re interested in publishing writers who work in English from all over the world.

For everyone

Have something to say? We’d love to hear from you at